hello again,
i'm Siah Harper
A Formal Introduction
I am a UX designer with three years of product experience, combined with a decade of creating branded design systems.
What I Bring to the Table
I’ve designed beautiful branded experiences with data-driven research to create striking experiences that solve unique user problems for small businesses, cultural institutions, and SAAS organizations.
I Dream of Design
I love working with diverse skills in teams and learning new ways to make everyday activities more intuitive and rewarding for everyone.
My Mission
I’m looking to work with companies that value equity, innovation, strategy, collaboration, and passionate change-makers like myself.
In My Spare Time, I Enjoy:
• Making others laugh
• Learning Norwegian:
   så jeg kan få andre til å le.
• Designing for Non-Web
• Writing/reading fiction
• Going on walks
Work With Me if You Value:
• Helpful teammates
• Innovative ideas
• Passionate people
• Strategic analysis
• Cheerful collaborators
New Beginnings
In August of 2023, I flew from California, USA to Bergen, Norway with my wife, so she could attend school to become a nurse. Now, we’re pursuing our shared dream of building a life here together.
While my desire to create was fulfilled by graphic design in my youth, it ultimately has led me to user experience design.

With three years of product experience design, combined with a decade of creating compelling branded design systems, I have honed my skills in forging and enhancing moments that breathe life into the user. 

My background as a graphic designer turned UX generalist makes me a unique and ideal collaborator. However, actions speak louder than words, and data speaks even louder.
The Data​​​​​​​
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